Deadly coloured pale, Roses ouer-cast. Speake sayd shee, no more, (110) of following the Boare, thou vnfit for such a chase: Course the fearefull Hare, Venson doe not spare, if thou wilt yeeld Venus grace. (115) Shun the Boare I pray thee, Else I still will stay thee, herein he vowed to please her minde, Then her armes enlarged, Loth shee him discharged, (120) forth he went as swift as winde.
Thetis Phœbus Steedes in the West retained,Hunting sport was past, Loue her loue did seeke: (125) Sight of him too soone gentle Queene shee gained, On the ground he lay blood had left his cheeke. For an orped Swine, (130) smit him in the groyne, deadly wound his death did bring: Which when Venus found, shee fell in a swound, and awakte, her hands did wring. (135) Nimphs and Satires skipping, Came together tripping, Eccho euery cry exprest: Venus by her power, Turnd him to a flower, (140) which shee weareth in her creast.