¶The Sheepheards Song of Venus and Adonis. +
V Enus faire did ride, siluer Doues they drew her, By the pleasant lawnds ere the Sunne did rise: (5) Vestaes beautie rich +opend wide to view her, Philomel + records pleasing Harmonies. Euery bird of spring (10) cheerefully did sing, Paphos Goddesse + they salute: Now Loues Queene so faire, had of mirth no care, for her Sonne + had made her mute. (15) In her breast so tender He a shaft did enter, when her eyes beheld a boy: Adonis was he named, By his Mother shamed, +(20) yet he now is Venus ioy.
Him alone she met, ready bound for hunting, Him she kindly greetes, and his iourney stayes: (25) Him she seekes to kisse no deuises wanting, Him her eyes still wooe, him her tongue still prayes. He with blushing red (30) Hangeth downe the head, not a kisse can he afford: His face is turn’d away, Silence sayd her nay, still she woo’d him for a word.