For their faire eyes glauncing, (35) Like to Cupids dauncing, roule about still to deceaue vs: With vaine hopes deluding, Still dispraise concluding, Now they loue, and now they leaue vs.
(40) Thus I doo despaire, haue her I shall neuer, If she be so coy, lost is all my loue: But she is so faire (45) I must loue her euer, All my paine is ioy, which for her I proue. If I should her trie, And she should denie (50) heauie hart with woe will breake: Though against my will, Tongue thou must be still, for she will not heare thee speake. Then with sighs goe prooue her, (55) Let them shew I loue her, gracious Venus be my guide: But though I complaine me, She will still disdaine me, beauty is so full of pride.