And to confirme a mutuall band, of loue, that at no time should ceasse: They likewise ioyned hand in hand, the Sheepheard and the Sheepheardesse. (70) Like fortune still befall true loue.
FINIS. Shep. Tonie.
Another of Astrophell. +
T He Nightingale so soone as Aprill bringeth Vnto her rested sence a perfect waking: While late bare earth, proude of newe clothing springeth, Sings out her woes, a thorne her Song-booke making. +(5) And mournfully bewayling Her throate in tunes expresseth, What greefe her brest oppresseth, For Tereus force, on her chast will preuailing. Oh Philamela faire, oh take some gladnes, (10) That heere is iuster cause of plaintfull sadnes. Thine earth now springs, mine fadeth: Thy thorne without, my thorne my hart inuadeth.
Alas, shee hath no other cause of languish But Tereus loue, on her by strong hand wroken: (15) Wherein she suffering all her spirits languish, Full woman-like complaines, her will was broken. But I, who daily crauing, Cannot haue to content mee: Haue more cause to lament mee, (20) Sith wanting is more woe, then too much hauing. Oh Philamela faire, oh take some gladnes, That heere is iuster cause of plaintfull sadnes, Thine earth now springs, mine fadeth: Thy thorne without, my thorne my hart inuadeth.
FINIS. S. Phil. Sidney.