Be bold I will not kill with loue, Nor loue shall not kill me.
FINIS. Bar. Yong.
¶ His aunswere to the Nimphs Song. +
I F to be lou’d it thee offend, I cannot choose but loue thee still: And so thy greefe shall haue no end, Whiles that my life maintaines my will.
(5) O let me yet with greefe complaine, since such a torment I endure: Or else fulfill thy great disdaine, to end my life with death most sure. For as no credite thou wilt lend, (10) and as my loue offends thee still: So shall thy sorrowes haue no end, whiles that my life maintaines my will.
If that by knowing thee, I could leaue off to loue thee as I doo: (15) Not to offend thee, then I would leaue off to like and loue thee too. But since all loue to thee dooth tend, and I of force must loue thee still: Thy greefe shall neuer haue an end, (20) whiles that my life maintaines my will.
FINIS. Bar. Yong.