The word and faith I had of thee, O tell me now, where may they be, (35) Or where may they resound? Too soone thou did’st the tytle gaine Of giuer of vaine words: Too soone my loue thou did’st obtaine, Too soone thou lou’dst Diana in vaine, (40) That nought but scornes affords.
But one thing now I will thee tell, That much thy pacience mooues: That though Diana dooth excell In beautie, yet she keepes not well (45) Her faith, nor loyall prooues. Thou then hast chosen, each one saith, Thine equall, and a shrow: For if thou hast vndone thy faith, Her Loue and Louer she betrayeth, (50) So like to like may goe.
If now this Sonnet which I send Will anger thee: Before Remember Faustus (yet my friend,) That if these speeches doo offend, (55) Thy deedes doo hurt me more. Thus let each one of vs amend, Thou deedes, I words so spent: For I confesse I blame my pen, Doo thou as much, so in the end, (60) They deedes thou doo repent.
FINIS. Bar. Yong.