Greene field, and shadowed valley, where Sometime my chiefest pleasure was, Behold what I did after passe.Then let me rest, and if I beare (15) Not with good cause continuall feare: Now doo you see, O leaue me then, and doo not trouble me.
I saw a hart changed of late, And wearied to assure mine: (20) Then I was forced to recure mine By good occasion, time, and fate. My thoughts that now such passions hate O what meane ye? Forsake me now, and doo not wearie me. (25) You Lambs and Sheepe that in these Layes,Did sometime follow me so glad: The merrie houres, and the sad Are passed now, with all those dayes. Make not such mirth and wunted playes (30) As once did ye. For now no more, you haue deceaued me.
If that to trouble me you come, Or come to comfort me in deede: I haue no ill for comforts neede. (35) But if to kill me: Then (in some) Now my ioyes are dead and dombe, Full well may ye Kill me, and you shall make an end of me.
FINIS. Bar. Yong.