For when indeede the hart is free From suffering paine or torments smart:If wisedome dooth not ouer-see And beareth not the greatest part; (35) The smallest greefe and care of minde: Dooth make it captiue to their kinde.
Neere to a Riuer swift and great, That famous Ezla had to name: The carefull Sheepheard did repeate (40) The feares he had by absence blame, Which he suspect where he did keepe: And feede his gentle Lambs and Sheepe.
And now sometimes he did behold His Sheepheardesse, that there about (45) Was on the mountaines of that old And auncient Leon, seeking out From place to place the pastures best: Her Lambs to feede, her selfe to rest.
And sometime musing, as he lay, (50) When on those hills she was not seene: Was thinking of that happie day, When Cupid gaue him such a Queene Of beautie, and such cause of ioy: Wherein his minde he did imploy.