¶ Arsileus his Caroll, for ioy of the new mariage, betweene
Syrenus and Diana. +
L Et now each Meade with flowers be depainted, Of sundry colours sweetest odours glowing: Roses yeeld foorth your smells so finely tainted, Calme winds the greene leaues mooue with gentle blowing, (5) The Christall Riuers flowing With waters be encreased: And since each one from sorrow now hath ceased, From mournfull plaints and sadnes. Ring foorth faire Nimphs your ioyfull Songs for gladnes.
(10) Let Springs and Meades all kinde of sorrow banish, And mournfull harts the teares that they are bleeding: Let gloomie cloudes with shining morning vanish, Let euery bird reioyce that now is breeding. And since by new proceeding, (15) With mariage now obtained, A great content by great contempt is gained, And you deuoyd of sadnes, Ring foorth faire Nimphs your ioyfull Songs for gladnes.
Who can make vs to change our firme desires, (20) And soule to leaue her strong determination, And make vs freeze in Ice, and melt in fires, And nicest harts to loue with emulation, Who rids vs from vexation, And all our minds commaundeth? (25) But great Felicia, that his might withstandeth, That fill’d our harts with sadnes, Ring foorth faire Nimphs your ioyfull Songs for gladnes.