¶Another Song before her Maiestie at Oxford, sung by a comely Sheep-
heard, attended on by sundrie other Sheepheards
and Nimphs. +
H Earbs, words, and stones, all maladies haue cured, Hearbs, words, and stones, I vsed when loued: Hearbs smells, words winde, stones hardnes haue procured, By stones, nor words, nor hearbs her mind was moued. (5) I ask’d the cause: this was a womans reason, Mongst hearbs are weedes, and thereby are refused: Deceite as well as trueth speakes words in season, False stones by foiles haue many one abused. +I sigh’d, and then she sayd, my fancie smoaked, (10) I gaz’d, she sayd, my lookes were follies glauncing: I sounded dead, she sayd, my loue was choaked, I started vp, she sayd, my thoughts were dauncing. Oh sacred Loue, if thou haue any Godhead: Teach other rules to winne a maydenhead.
FINIS. Anonimus.
¶ The Sheepheards Song: a Caroll or Himne for Christmas. +
S Weete Musique, sweeter farre Then any Song is sweete: Sweete Musique heauenly rare, Mine eares (ô peeres) dooth greete. (5) You gentle flocks, whose fleeces pearl’d with dewe, Resemble heauen, whom golden drops make bright: Listen, ô listen, now, ô not to you Our pipes make sport to shorten wearie night, But voyces most diuine, (10) Make blisfull Harmonie: Voyces that seeme to shine, For what else cleares the skie?