Hey downe a downe did Dian sing, amongst her Virgins sitting: (25) Then loue there is no vainer thing, for Maydens most vnfitting. And so thinke I, with a downe downe derrie.
FINIS. Ignoto.
¶ Apollos Loue-Song for faire Daphne. +
M Y hart and tongue were twinnes, at once conceaued, The eldest was my hart, borne dumbe by destinie: The last my tongue, of all sweet thoughts bereaued, Yet strung and tun’d, to play harts harmonie. (5) Both knit in one, and yet a-sunder placed. What hart would speake, the tongue dooth still discouer: What tongue dooth speake, is of the hart embraced, And both are one, to make a new-found Louer. New-found, and onely found in Gods and Kings, (10) Whose words are deedes, but deedes nor words regarded: Chast thoughts doo mount, and flie with swiftest wings, My loue with paine, my paine with losse rewarded. Engraue vpon this tree Daphnes perfection: That neither men nor Gods can force affection.
This Dittie was sung before her Maiestie, at the right
honourable the Lord Chandos, at Sudley Castell, at
her last being there in prograce. The Author there-
of vnknowne.