Syluanus. (25) Loue’s so expert in giuing ioy, not trouble, That now I know not but he should be praised: He is so true, so constant, neuer double, That in my minde he should not be dispraised. Loue in the end is such a pleasing passion, (30) That euery one may trust vnto his fashion. For of all good he is the onely Maister: And foe vnto my harmes, and my disaster.
Syrenus. Not in these sayings to be proou’d a lyer, He knowes that dooth not loue, nor is beloued: (35) Now nights and dayes I rest, as I desire, After I had such greefe from me remooued. And cannot I be glad, since thus estraunged, My selfe from false DianaI haue chaunged? Hence, hence, false Loue, I will not entertaine thee: (40) Since to thy torments thou doo’st seeke to traine me.
Syluanus. Not in these saying to be proou’d a lyer, He knowes that loues, and is againe beloued: Now nights and dayes I rest in sweete desire, After I had such happy fortune prooued. (45) And cannot I be glad, since not estraunged, My selfe into Seluagia +I haue chaunged? Come, come, good Loue, and I will entertaine thee: Since to thy sweete content thou seek’st to traine me.
FINIS. Bar. Yong.