¶ Seluagia and Siluanus, their Song to Diana. +
Sel. I See thee iolly Sheepheard merrie, And firme thy faith, and sound as a berrie.
Sil. Loue gaue me ioy, and Fortune gaue it, As my desire could wish to haue it.
Sel. (5) What didst thou wish, tell me (sweete Louer,) Whereby thou might’st such ioy recouer?
Sil. To loue where loue should be inspired: Since there’s no more to be desired.
Sel. In this great glory, and great gladnes, (10) Think’st thou to haue no touch of sadnes?
Sil. Good Fortune gaue me not such glorie: To mock my Loue, or make me sorrie.
Sel. If my firme loue I were denying, Tell me, with sighs would’st thou be dying?
Sil. (15) Those words (in ieast) to heare thee speaking: For very griefe this hart is breaking.
Sel. Yet would’st thou change, I pre-thee tell me, In seeing one that did excell me?
Sil. O no, for how can I aspire, (20) To more, then to mine owne desire?
Sel. Such great affection doo’st thou beare me: As by thy words thou seem’st to sweare me?
Sil. Of thy deserts, to which a debter I am, thou maist demaund this better.
Sel. (25) Sometimes me thinks, that I should sweare it, Sometimes me thinks, thou should’st not beare it.
Sil. Onely in this my hap dooth greeue me, And my desire, not to beleeue me.