And shrinke not from the flame of hote desire, Nor will not moue (45) From any heate that Venus force imparts: But lie content, Within a fire, and waste away their harts.
Vp flewe the Dame, and vanish’d in a cloud, (50) But there stoode I, And many thoughts within my mind did shroud My loue: for why I felt within my hart a scorching fire, And yet (55) as did The Salamander, twas my whole desire.
FINIS. Ro. Greene.
¶ The Sheepheard Firmius his Song. +
S Heepheards giue eare, and now be still Vnto my passions, and their cause, and what they be: Since that with such an earnest will, (5) And such great signes of friendships lawes, you aske it me.
It is not long since I was whole, Nor since I did in euery part free-will resigne: +(10) It is not long since in my sole Possession, I did know my hart, and to be mine.