With folded armes I trampled through the grasse, (10) Tracing as he That held the throane of Fortune brittle glasse, +And loue to be Like Fortune fleeting, as the restlesse wind Mixed (15) with mists Whose dampe dooth make the clearest eyes grow blind.
Thus in a maze, I spied a hideous flame, I cast my sight, And sawe where blithely bathing in the same (20) With great delight A worme did lie, wrapt in a smoakie sweate: And yet twas strange, It carelesse lay, and shrunk not at the heate.
(25) I stoode amaz’d, and wondring at the sight, while that a dame, That shone like to the heauens rich sparkling light, Discourst the same, And said, My friend, this worme within the fire: (30) Which lyes content, Is Venus worme, and represents desire.
A Salamander + is this princely beast, Deck’d with a crowne, (35) Giuen him by Cupid as a gorgeous creast, Gainst Fortunes frowne, Content he lyes, and bathes him in the flame, And goes not foorth, (40) For why, he cannot liue without the same.