¶ Corins dreame of his faire Chloris. +
W Hat time bright Titan in the Zenith sat, And equally the fixed poales did heate: When to my flock my daily woes I chat, And vnderneath a broade Beech tooke my seate. (5) The dreaming God which Morpheus Poets call Augmenting fuell to my Aetnaes fire, +With sleepe possessing my weake sences all, In apparitions makes my hopes aspire. Me thought I saw the Nimph I would embrace, (10) With armes abroade comming to me for helpe: A lust-led Satire hauing her in chace, Which after her about the fields did yelpe. I seeing my Loue in such perplexed plight, A sturdie bat from off an Oake I reft: (15) And with the Rauisher continued fight, Till breathlesse I vpon the earth him left. Then when my coy Nimph saw her breathlesse foe, With kisses kind she gratifies my paine: Protesting rigour neuer more to show, (20) Happy was I this good hap to obtaine. But drowsie slumbers flying to their Cell, My sudden ioy conuerted was to bale: My wonted sorrowes still with me doo dwell, I looked round about on hill and Dale: (25) But I could neither my faire Chloris view, Nor yet the Satire which yer-while I slew.