I my selfe will duely harke, When my watchfull dogge dooth barke, (10) From Woolfe and Foxe I will defend ye.
¶ A Roundelay betweene two Sheepheards. +
1. Shep. T Ell me thou gentle Sheepheards Swaine, Who’se yonder in the Vale is set?
2. Shep. Oh it is she, whose sweetes doo staine, The Lilly, Rose, the Violet.
1. Shep. (5) Why dooth the Sunne against his kind, Fixe his bright Chariot in the skies?
2. Shep. Because the Sunne is strooken blind, With looking on her heauenly eyes.
1. Shep. Why doo thy flocks forbeare their food, (10) Which sometime were thy chiefe delight?
2. Shep. Because they neede no other good, That liue in presence of her sight.
1. Shep. Why looke these flowers so pale and ill, That once attir’d this goodly Heath?
2. Shep. (15) She hath rob’d Nature of her skill, And sweetens all things with her breath.
1. Shep. Why slide these brookes so slow away, Whose bubling murmur pleas’d thine eare?
2. Shep. Oh meruaile not although they stay, (20) When they her heauenly voyce doo heare.
1. Shep. From whence come all these Sheepheards Swaines, And louely Nimphs attir’d in greene?
2. Shep. From gathering Garlands on the Plaines, To crowne our faire the Sheepheards Queene.