Loue I did the fayrest boy (50) That these fields did ere enioy. Loue I did faire Ganimede, Venus darling, beauties bed: Him I thought the fairest creature, Him the quintessence of Nature. (55) But yet (alas) I was deceau’d, (Loue of reason is bereau’d.) For since then I saw a Lasse, Lasse that did in beauty passe, Passe faire Ganimede as farre (60) As Phæbus dooth the smallest starre. Loue commaunded me to loue, Fancie bad me not remoue My affection from the Swaine Whom I neuer could obtaine: (65) (For who can obtaine that fauour Which he cannot graunt the crauer?) Loue at last (though loth) preuail’d, Loue that so my hart assail’d, Wounding me with her faire eyes (70) Ah how Loue can subtillize? And deuise a thousand shifts How to worke men to his drifts. Her it is, for whom I mourne, Her, for whom my life I scorne. (75) Her, for whom I weepe all day, Her, for whom I sigh, and say Eyther she, or else no creature Shall enioy my loue: whose feature Though I neuer can obtaine, (80) Yet shall my true-loue remaine: Till (my body turn’d to clay) My poore soule must passe away, To the heauens; where I hope It shall finde a resting scope. (85) Then since I loued thee alone, Remember me when I am gone.