The wise (in auncient time) a God thee nam’d, Seeing that with thy power and supreame might, Thou didst such rare and mighty wonders make: (30) For thee a hart is frozen and enflam’d, A foole thou mak’st a wise man with thy light, The coward turnes couragious for thy sake. The mighty Gods did quake At thy commaund: To birds and beasts tranformed, (35) Great Monarches haue not scorned To yeeld vnto the force of beauties lure: Such spoiles thou doost procure With thy braue force, which neuer may be tould: With which (sweet Loue) thou conquer’st euery soule.
(40) In other times obscurely I did liue But with a drowsie, base, and simple kinde Of life, and onely to my profit bend me: To thinke of Loue my selfe I did not giue, Or for good grace, good parts; and gentle minde, (45) Neuer did any Sheepheardesse commend me. But crowned now they send me A thousand Garlands, that I wone with praise, In wrastling dayes by dayes, In pitching of the barre with arme most strong, (50) And singing many a Song. After that thou didst honour, and take hould Of my (sweet Loue) and of my happy soule.
What greater ioy can any man desire, Then to remaine a Captiue vnto Loue: (55) And haue his hart subiected to his power? And though sometimes he tast a little sower By suffering it, as mild as gentle Doue Yet must he be, in liew of that great hire Whereto he dooth aspire: (60) If Louers liue afflicted and in paine, Let them with cause complaine Of cruell fortune, and of times abuse,