(25) But if thy beauty make thee proude, thinke then what is ordain’d: The heauens haue neuer yet alow’d, that Loue should be disdain’d. Then least the Fates that fauour Loue, (30) should curse thee for vnkind: Let me report for thy behooue, the honour of thy mind. Let Coridon with full consent, set downe what he hath seene: (35) That Phillida with Loues content is sworne the Sheepheards Queene.
FINIS. N. Breton.
¶ Damætas Madrigall in praise of his Daphnis. +
T Vne on my pipe the praises of my Loue, Loue faire and bright: Fill earth with sound, and ayrie heauens aboue, heauen’s Ioues delight, (5) with Daphnis praise.
To pleasant Tempe Groues and Plaines about, Plaines Sheepheards pride: Resounding Ecchoes of her praise ring out, ring farre and wide (10) my Daphnis praise.