Downe a downe, (35) Thus Phillis sung, By fancie once distressed: Who so by foolish Loue are stung, Are worthily oppressed. And so sing I, with downe a downe, &c.
FINIS. Thom. Lodge.
ΒΆ Coridons supplications to Phillis. +
S Weete Phillis, if a silly Swaine, may sue to thee for grace: See not thy louing Sheepheard slaine, with looking on thy face. (5) But thinke what power thou hast got, vpon my Flock and mee: Thou seest they now regard me not, but all doo follow thee. And if I haue so farre presum’d, (10) with prying in thine eyes: Yet let not comfort be consum’d, that in thy pitty lyes. But as thou art that Phillis faire, that Fortune fauour giues: (15) So let not Loue dye in despaire, that in thy fauour liues. The Deere doo brouse vpon the bryer, the birds doo pick the cherries: And will not Beauty graunt Desire, (20) one handfull of her berries? If it be so that thou hast sworne, that none shall looke on thee: Yet let me know thou doost not scorne, to cast a looke on mee.