Since then that Phillis onely is, the onely Sheepheards onely Queene: And Coridon the onely Swaine, that onely hath her Sheepheard beene. (65) Though Phillis keepe her bower of state, shall Coridon consume away: No Sheepheard no, worke out the weeke, and Sunday shall be holy-day.
FINIS. N. Breton.
¶ The passionate Sheepheards Song. +
O N a day, (alack the day,) Loue whose moneth was euer May: Spied a blossome passing faire, Playing in the wanton ayre. +(5) Through the veluet leaues the wind, All vnseene gan passage find: That the Sheepheard (sicke to death,) Wish’d himselfe the heauens breath. Ayre (quoth he) thy cheekes may blow, (10) Ayre, would I might triumph so. But alas, my hand hath sworne, Nere to pluck thee from thy thorne. Vow (alack) for youth vnmeete, Youth so apt to pluck a sweete. (15) Thou for whom Ioue would sweare, Iuno but an Æthiope were, And deny him selfe for Ioue, Turning mortall for my Loue.
FINIS. W. Shakespeare.