(25) Iolly Sheepheard, Sheepheard heere or there, heere or there so merrily, heere or there so cherily, Or in thy chatfamiliar, easy conversations , eyther at thy cheeremerry entertainment , In euery Iigge, in euery Lay: (30) both sing and say; Loue lasts for aye.
Iolly Sheepheard, Sheepheard Daphnis Loue, Daphnis loue so merrily, Daphnis loue so cherily, Let thy fancie neuer more remoue, (35) Fancie be fixt, fixt not to fleeteshifting, quickly passing away , still sing and say; Loues yoake is sweete.
FINIS. Iohn Wootton.
¶ Montanus praise of his faire Phæbe. +Printed in Lodge, Rosalind (1590), fols. 20v-21. It is prefaced by Aliena’s request to ‘Montanus to sing some amorous Sonnet, that hee made when he hath been deeply passionate . That I will quoth Montanus: and with that he began thus.’ The style of this verse is imitated and parodied in Tarlton’s Newes out of Purgatorie (1590), sigs. E4-F1, where the style is attributed to Ronsard. Another copy is in: L: Harley 4286, fol. 68v. Author: Thomas Lodge. Structure (May/Ringler): 36: 3×12 aa2b4cc2d4ee2b2ff2c2troch
P Hæbe sate, Sweete she sate, sweete sate Phæbe when I saw her, White her brow (5)Coyshy, reserved, lowered her eye, brow and eye, how much you please me? Words I spentexpended , Sighs I sent, sighs and words could neuer draw her, (10) Oh my Loue, Thou art lost, since no sight could euer ease thee.
Phæbe sate By a Fountspring , (15) sitting by a Fountspring I spide her, Sweete her touch, Rare her voyce, touch and voyce, what may distainesully, defile, dishonour you?