Now th’ Ayre is sweeter then sweet Balme, And Satires daunce about the Palme, Now earth with verdure newly dight, (10) Giues perfect signes of her delight.
O beauteous Queene, &c.
Now birds record new harmonie, And trees doo whistle melodie, Now euery thing that Nature breedes, (15) Dooth clad it selfe in pleasant weedes.
O beauteous Queene, &c.
FINIS. Tho. Watson.
¶ Colin Cloutes mournfull Dittie for the death
of Astrophell. +
S Heepheards that wunt on pipes of Oaten reede, Oft-times to plaine your loues concealed smart; And with your pitteous Layes haue learn’d to breedeCompassion in a Country-Lasses hart: (5) Harken ye gentle Sheepheards to my song, And place my dolefull plaint your plaints among.