And in a dreame bewraywhat fate shall be my friend: Whether my life shall still denay, (40) or when my sorrow end.
FINIS. N. Breton.
¶Harpalus complaynt on Phillidaes loue bestowed on Corin, who
loued her not, and denyed him that lo-
ued her . +
P Hillida was a faire mayde, as fresh as any flower: Whom Harpalus the Heards-man prayde to be his Paramour. (5) Harpalus and ekeCorin, were Heard-men both yfere: And Phillida could twist and spinne, and thereto sing full cleere. But Phillida was all too coy, (10) for Harpalus to winne: For Corin was her onely ioy, who forc’d her not a pinne. How often would she flowers twine, how often garlands make: (15) Of Cowslips and of Cullumbine, and all for Corins sake? But Corin he had Hawkes to lure, and forced more the field: Of Louers law he tooke no cure, (20) for once he was beguild. Harpalus preuailed naught, his labour all was lost: For he was furthest from her thought, and yet he lou’d her most.