Who would not this sight desire, (20) though he thought to see no more?
Oh faire eyes, yet let me see, one good looke, and I am gone: Looke on me, for I am hee, thy poore silly Coridon.
(25) Thou that art the Sheepheards Queene, looke vpon thy silly Swaine: By thy comfort haue beene seene dead men brought to life againe.
FINIS. N. Breton.
¶Coridon and Melampus Song. +
Cor. M Elampus, when will Loue be void of feares? Mel. When Iealousie hath neither eyes nor eares. Cor. Melampus, when will Loue be throughly shrieued? Mel. When it is hard to speake, and not beleeued. (5) Cor. Melampus, when is Loue most malecontent? Mel. When Louers range, and beare their bowes vnbent. Cor. Melampus, tell me, when takes Loue least harme? Mel. When Swaines sweete pipes are puft, and Trulls are warme. Cor. Melampus, tell me, when is Loue best fed? (10) Mel. When it hath suck’d the sweet that ease hath bred. Cor. Melampus, when is time in Loue ill spent? Mel. When it earnes meede, and yet receaues no rent. Cor. Melampus, when is time well spent in Loue? Mel. When deedes win meedes, and words Loues works doo proue.
FINIS. Geo. Peele.