The Flie crau’d pitty, still the Eagle frownd. The silly Flie Ready to die: Disgrac’d, displac’d, fell groueling to the ground. (25) The Eagle sawe: And with a royall mind said to the Flie, Be not in awe, I scorne by me the meanest creature die. Then seate thee heere: The ioyfull Flie vp-flings, (30) And sate safe shadowed with the Eagles wings.
FINIS. Ro. Greene.
¶A Pastorall of Phillis and Coridon. +
O N a hill there growes a flower, faire befall the dainty sweete: By that flower there is a Bower, where the heauenly Muses meete.
(5) In that Bower there is a chaire, frindged all about with gold: Where dooth sit the fairest faire, that euer eye did yet behold.
It is Phillis faire and bright, (10) shee that is the Sheepheards ioy: Shee that Venus did despight, and did blind her little boy.
This is she, the wise, the rich, that the world desires to see: (15) This is ipsa quœ + the which, there is none but onely shee.