Now rise vp Eliza, decked as thou art, (110) In royall ray: And now ye dainty Damsels may depart, Each one her way. I feare I haue troubled your troupes too long: Let dame Eliza thanke you for her Song. (115) And if you come hether, When Damzins I gather I will part them all, you among.
FINIS. Edm. Spencer.
¶ The Sheepheards Daffadill. +
G Orbo, as thou cam’st this way By yonder little hill, Or as thou through the fields didst stray, Saw’st thou my Daffadill?
(5) Shee’s in a frock of Lincolne greene, The colour Maydes delight, +And neuer hath her Beauty seene But through a vayle of white.
Then Roses richer to behold, (10) That dresse vp Louers Bowers, The Pansie and the Marigold Are Phœbus Paramoures.