(75) They dauncen deffely, and singen sooteIn their merriment. Wants not a fourth Grace + to make the daunce euen? Let that roome to my Lady be giuen. Shee shall be a Grace, (80) To fill the fourth place, And raigne with the rest in heauen.
And whether runnes this beuie of Ladies bright, Ranged in a roe? They been all Ladies of the Lake behight (85) That vnto her goe: Chloris, that is the chiefe Nimph of all, Of Oliue-braunches beares a Coronall: Oliues beene for peace When warres doo surcease, (90) Such for a Princesse beene principall.
Bring hether the Pinke and purple Cullumbine. With Gillyflowers Bring sweet Carnasions, and Sops in wine,+Worne of Paramours. (95) Strew me the ground with Daffa-down-Dillies, And Cowslips, and Kings-cups, and loued Lillies, The pretty Paunce, And the Cheuisaunce, Shall match with the faire flower-Delice. +
(100) Ye Sheepheards daughters that dwell on the greene, Hie you there a pace, Let none come there but such as Virgins beene, To adorne her Grace. And when you come where as she is in place: (105) See that your rudenes doo not you disgrace. Bind your Fillets fast, And gird on your wast: For more finenesse with a Tawdrie lace.