¶ Astrophell the Sheep-heard, his complaint to
his flocke. +
G Oe my flocke, goe get yee hence, Seeke a better place of feeding: Where yee may haue some defence From the stormes in my breast breeding, (5) And showers from mine eyes proceeding.
Leaue a wretch, in whom all woe, can abide to keepe no measure: Merry Flocke, such one forgoe vnto whom mirth is displeasure, (10) onely ritch in mischiefes treasure.
Yet (alas) before you goe, heare your wofull Maisters Storie: Which to stones I else would showe, Sorrow onely then hath glorie: (15) when tis excellently sorrie.
Stella, + fiercest Sheepheardesse, fiercest, but yet fairest euer: Stella, whom the heauens still blesse, though against me she perseuer, (20) though I blisse, inherite neuer.