¶ Colin the enamoured Sheepheard, singeth this passion of loue. +Printed in George Peele, ‘Colin the amored sheepeherd singeth his passion of loue’, The Araygnement of Paris: A Pastorall (1584), Act III, scene 1, sig. C2. Author: George Peele. Structure (May/Ringler): 16: 4×4 a10bb4a10
O Gentle Loue, vngentle for thy deede, thou makest my hart, a bloodie marke, With piercing shot to bleede.
(5) Shoote soft sweete Loue, for feare thou shoote amisseastray , for feare too keenesharp , thy arrowes beene: And hit the hart, where my beloued is.
Too faire that fortune were, nor neuer I (10) shall be so blest, among the rest: That loue shal ceazeseize on her by simpathy.
Then since with Loue my prayers beare no booteadvantage , this doth remaine, (15) to ease my paine, I take the wound, and die at Venus foote.
FINIS. Geo. Peele.
¶ Oenones complaint in blanke verse. +Printed in George Peele, ‘Oenones Complaint’, The Araygnement of Paris: A Pastorall (1584), Act III, scene 3, sig. C3. Author: George Peele. Structure (May/Ringler): 12: blank
M Elpomene the Muse of tragicke songs, With mournfull tunes in stolecloak of dismall huecolour , Assist a silliedeserving of pity Nimphe to waile her woe, And leaue thy lustiejoyful, merry company behind.
(5) This lucklesse wreathe becomes not me to weare, The Poplar tree for tryumph of my loue, Then as my ioy, my pride of loue is left; Be thou vncloathed of thy louely greene.