¶ A Report Song in a dreame, betweene a Sheepheard and his Nimph. +Author: Nicholas Breton. Structure (May/Ringler): 15: 5×3 aaa8
S Hall we goe daunce the hay? The hay? +Or ‘hey’; A country dance having a winding or serpentine movement, or being of the nature of a reel. Neuer pipe could euer play better Sheepheards Roundelay.
Shall we goe sing the Song? The Song? (5) Neuer Loue did euer wrong: faire Maides hold hands all a-long.
Shall we goe learne to woo? To woo? Neuer thought came euer too, better deede could better doo.
(10) Shall we goe learne to kisse? To kisse? Neuer hart could euer misse comfort, where true meaning is.
Thus at base +Presumably part of the movement of the dance. they run, They run, When the sport was scarse begun: (15) but I wakt, and all was done.
FINIS. N. Breton.
¶ Another of the same. +See ‘Of disdainfull Daphne’, 1: ‘Shall I say that I loue you’ *. Author: Nicholas Breton. Structure (May/Ringler): 16: 4×4 abab4troch
S Ay that I should say, I loue ye? would you say, tis but a saying? But if Loue in prayers mooue ye? will you not be moou’d with praying?
(5) Think I think that Loue should know ye? will you thinke, tis but a thinking? But if Loue the thought doo show ye, will ye loose your eyes with winking?