There was no open forgerie, (70) but vnder-handed gleaning: Which they call Country pollicie, but hath a worser meaning. Some good bold-face beares out the wrong, because he gaines thereby: (75) The poore mans back is crackt ere long, yet there he lets him lye. And no degree among them all, but had such close intending: That I vpon my knees did fall, (80) and prayed for their amending. Back to the woods I got againe, in minde perplexed sore: Where I found ease of all this paine, and meane to stray no more. (85) There, Citty, Court, nor Country too, can any way annoy me: But as a wood-man ought to doo, I freely may imploy me. There liue I quietly alone, (90) and none to trip my talke: Wherefore when I am dead and gone, think on the Wood-mans walke.
FINIS. Shep. Tonie.