Then come with me, and be my Deare: And we will straite begin the yeare.
FINIS. Ignoto.
ΒΆ The Wood-mans walke. +
T Hrough a faire Forrest as I went vpon a Sommers day, I met a Wood-man queint and gent,yet in strange aray. (5) I meruail’d much at his disguise, whom I did know so well: But thus in tearmes both graue and wise, his minde he gan to tell. Friend, muse not at this fond aray, (10) but list a while to me: For it hath holpe me to suruay what I shall shew to thee. Long liu’d I in this Forrest faire, till wearie of my weale: (15) Abroade in walks I would repaire, as now I will reueale. My first dayes walke was to the Court, where Beautie fed mine eyes: Yet found I that the Courtly sport, (20) did maske in slie disguise. For falshood sate in fairest lookes, and friend to friend was coy: Court-fauour fill’d but empty bookes, and there I found no ioy. (25) Desert went naked in the cold, when crouching craft was fed: Sweet words were cheapely bought and sold, but none that stood in sted, Wit was imployed for each mans owne, (30) plaine meaning came too short: