To the Reader, if indifferent.
M Any honoured names haue heretofore (in their parti-
culer interest,) patronized some part of these inuenti-
ons: many here be, that onely these Collections haue
brought to light, & not inferiour (in the best opinions) to a-
nie before published. The trauaile that hath beene taken in
gathering them from so many handes, hath wearied some
howres, which seuered, might in part haue perished, dige-
sted into this meane volume, may in the opinion of some not
be altogether vnworthy the labour. If any man hath beene
defrauded of any thing by him composed, by another mans
title put to the same, hee hath this benefit by this collection,
freely to challenge his owne in publique, where els he might
be robd of his proper due. No one thing beeing here placed
by the Collector of the same vnder any mans name, eyther at
large, or in letters, but as it was deliuered by some especiall
coppy comming to his handes. No one man, that shall take
offence that his name is published to any inuention of his,
but he shall within the reading of a leafe or two, meete with
another in reputation euery way equal with himselfe, whose
name hath beene before printed to his Poeme, which nowe
taken away were more then theft: which may satisfie him
that would faine seeme curious or be intreated for his fame.
Nowe, if any Stationer shall finde faulte, that his Coppies
are robd by any thing in this Collection, let me aske him this
question, Why more in this, then in any Diuine or humaine
Authour: From whence a man (writing of that argument)
shal gather any saying, sentence, similie, or example, his name
put to it who is the Authour of the same. This is the simplest