Then since with Loue my prayers beare no boote, this doth remaine, (15) to ease my paine, I take the wound, and die at Venus foote.
FINIS. Geo. Peele.
¶ Oenones complaint in blanke verse. +
M Elpomene the Muse of tragicke Songs, With mournfull tunes in stole of dismall hue, Assist a silly Nimph to waile her woe, And leaue thy lustie company behind.
(5) This lucklesse wreathe becomes not me to weare, The Poplar tree for triumph of my loue, Then as my ioy, my pride of loue is left; Be thou vncloathed of thy louely greene.
And in thy leaues my fortunes written be, (10) And then some gentle winde let blow abroad, That all the world may see, how false of loue, False Paris hath to his Oenone beene.
FINIS. Geo. Peele.