Another of the same. +
A Satyre once did runne away for dread, with sound of Horne, which he him-selfe did blow: Fearing, and feared thus, from him-selfe hee fled, deeming strange euill in that he did not know.
(5) Such causelesse feares, when coward mindes doe take, it makes them flie that which they faine would haue: As this poore beast, who did his rest forsake, thinking not why, but how him-selfe to saue.
Euen thus mought I, for doubts which I conceaue (10) of mine owne words, mine owne good hap betray: And thus might I, for feare of may be, leaue the sweet pursute of my desired pray. Better like I thy Satire, dearest Dyer: +Who burnt his lips, to kisse faire shining fier.
FINIS. S. Phil. Sidney.