¶ The Shepheards conceite of Prometheus. +Printed with the heading ‘E.D.’ in ‘Certaine Sonets Written by Sir Philip Sidney’, in The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia (1598), pp. 477-78; the story derives from Aesop’s Fables, and is related in Francis Mere, Palladis Tamia (1598), fols. 198v-99: ‘ Prometheus seeing a Satyre kisse the fire at the first sight of it, admonished him, that if he touched it, it woulde burne him, but if he vsed it, as it should be vsed, it was profitable both for heat and light: so the same thing, as thou vsest it, either dangerous or profitable. Plut[arch] .’ For a poem on the same theme, see ‘Another of the same’ *. For ‘Prometheus’, see glossary . Other copies are in: F: H.b.1, c. 1600, fol. 220; F: V.a.89, c. 1600, p. 21; L: Harl. 6910, c. 1596-1600, fol. 154v; L: Harl. 7392 (2), c. 1585-90, fol. 25; NLW: Ottley Papers, c. 1584, fol. 3; O: e Museo 37, c. 1588, fol. 237v; O: Rawl poet. 85, c. 1590, fol. 8. Author: Sir Edward Dyer. Structure (May/Ringler): 14: ss
P Rometheus, when first from heauen hiehurried , He brought downe fire, ere then on earth vnseene: Fond of delight, a Satyre standing by, Gaue it a kisse, as it like sweet had beene.
(5) Feeling forth-with the other burning power, Wood with the smartsharp pain, sting , with shoutes and shrikings shrill: He sought his ease in Riuer, Field, and bower, But for the time his griefe went with him still.
So sillyfoolish I, with that vnwontedunaccustomed sight, (10) In humane shape, an Angell from aboue: Feeding mine eyes, th’impression there did light, That since I runne, and rest as pleaseth Loue, The difference is, the Satires lips, my heart, He for a while, I euermore haue smartsharp pain, sting .