Ye Hymnes and singing skill Of God Apolloes giuing, Be prest our reeds to fill, (10) With sound of musicke liuing.
Ioyne hearts and hands, &c.
Sweet Orpheus Harpe, whose sound The stedfast mountaines moued, Let here thy skill abound, (15) To ioyne sweet friends beloued.
Ioyne hearts and hands, &c.
My two and I be met, A happy blessed Trinitie, As three most ioyntly set, (20) In firmest band of vnitie.
Ioyne hands, &c.
Welcome my two to me, E.D. F.G. P.S. +The number best beloued, Within my heart you be (25) In friendship vnremoued.
Ioyne hands, &c.
Giue leaue your flocks to range, Let vs the while be playing, Within the Elmy grange, (30) Your flocks will not be straying.
Ioyne hands, &c.
Cause all the mirth you can,