The flowers doe fade, and wanton fields, (10) To wayward Winter reckoning yeelds, A hony tongue, a heart of gall, Is fancies spring, but sorrowes fall.
Thy gownes, thy shooes, thy beds of Roses, Thy cap, thy kirtle, and thy posies, (15) Soone breake, soone wither, soone forgotten: In folly ripe, in reason rotten.
Thy belt of straw and Iuie buddes, Thy Corall claspes and Amber studs, All these in me no meanes can moue, (20) To come to thee, and be thy loue.
But could youth last, and loue still breede, Had ioyes no date, nor age no neede, Then these delights my minde might moue, To liue with thee, and be thy loue.
FINIS. Ignoto.