(100) so vgly was the sight. I charge you Ladies all (quoth he) looke to your selues in hast: For if that men so wilfull be, and haue their thoughts so chast; (105) And they can tread on Cupids brest, and martch on Venus face: Then they shall sleepe in quiet rest, when you shall waile your case. With that had Venus all in spight (110) stir’d vp the Dames to ire: And Lust fell cold, and Beautie white, sate babling with Desire. Whose mutt’ring words I might not marke, much whispering there arose: (115) The day did lower, the Sunne wext darke, away each Lady goes. But whether went this angry flock? our Lord himselfe doth know: Wherewith full lowdly crew the Cock, (120) and I awaked so. A dreame (quoth I?) a dogge it is, I take thereon no keepe: I gage my head, such toyes as this, doth spring from lack of sleepe.