deadly wound his death did bring: Which when Venus found, shee fell in a swoundswoon, faint , and awak’d, her hands did wring. (135) Nimphs and Satyres skipping, Came together tripping, Eccho euery crie exprest: Venus by her power, Turn’d him to a flower, +the anemone, earlier called the adonium (140) which she weareth in her creast.
ΒΆ Thirsis the Sheepheard his deaths song. +For the music for this lyric, see Musical Settings Author: attributed to Nicholas Yong. Structure (May/Ringler): 21: a6ba10bc6c10d6eed10f6gh10f6g10ihi6hjj10
T Hirsis to die desired, marking her eyes that to his heart was neerest: And she that with his flame no lesse was fired, said to him: Oh heart’s loue deerest: (5) Alas, forbeare to dieleave off dying now, By thee I liue, by thee I wish to die to. +There is a pun throughout on to die in the sense of to experience sexual orgasm.
Thirsis that heate refrained, wherewith to die poore Louer then he hasted, Thinking it death while he his lookes maintained, (10) full fixed on her eyes, full of pleasure, and louely Nectar sweet from them he tasted. His daintie Nimph, that now at hand espied the haruest of Loues treasure,