I will trauaile soiles remoued, Night and morning neuer merrie: (75) Thou shalt harbour that I loued, I will loue that makes me wearie.
If perchaunce the Shepheard strayeth, In thy walks and shades vnhaunted: Tell the teene my hart betrayeth, (80) How neglect my ioyes haue daunted.
FINIS. Thom. Lodge.
¶ A Pastorall Song betweene Phillis and Amarillis, two Nimphes, each aunswering other line for line. +Imitation of Spenser’s roundelay, ‘Perigot and Cuddies Roundelay’ *. Author: ‘H. C.’ possibly either Henry Chettle or Henry Constable. Structure (May/Ringler): 56: 7×8 a8b6a8b6
F Ie on the sleightsdeceitful strategies that men deuise, heigh hoe sillie sleights: When simple Maides they would entice, Maides are yong mens chiefe delights. (5) Nay, women they witch with their eyes, eyes like beames of burning Sunne: And men once caught, they soone despise, so are Shepheards oft vndone.
If any young man win a maide, (10) happy man is hee: By trusting him she is betraide, fie vpon such treacherie.