(5) Teach thine armes then to embrace, And sweet Rosie lips to kisse: And mixe our soules in mutuall blisse. Eyes were made for beauties grace, Viewing, ruing Loues long paine: (10) Procur’d by beauties rude disdaine.
Come away, come sweet Loue, The golden morning wasts: While the Sunne from his Sphere His fierie arrowes casts, (15) Making all the shadowes flie, Playing, staying in the Groaue: To entertaine the stealth of loue. Thither sweet Loue let vs hieFlying, dying in desire: (20) Wing’d with sweet hopes and heauenly fire.
Come away, come sweet Loue, Doe not in vaine adiorne +Beauties grace that should rise Like to the naked morne. (25) Lillies on the Riuers side, And faire Cyprian flowers new blowne, +Desire no beauties but their owne. Ornament is Nurse of pride, Pleasure, measure, Loues delight: (30) Hast then sweet Loue our wished flight.