ΒΆ Philon the Shepheard, his Song. +
W Hile that the Sunne with his beames hot, Scorched the fruites in vale and mountaine: Philon the Shepheard late forgot, Sitting besides a Christall Fountaine: (5) In shaddow of a greene Oake-tree, Vpon his Pipe this Song plaid hee.
Adiew Loue, adiew Loue, vntrue Loue, Vntrue Loue, vntrue Loue, adiew Loue: Your minde is light, soone lost for new loue.
(10) So long as I was in young sight, I was as your heart, your soule, and treasure: And euermore you sob’d and sigh’d, Burning in flames beyond all measure. Three dayes endured your loue to me: (15) And it was lost in other three.
Adiew Loue, adiew Loue, vntrue Loue. &c.