If that by knowing thee, I could leaue off to loue thee as I doe: (15) Not to offend thee, then I would leaue off to like and loue thee too. But since all loue to thee doth tend, and I of force must loue thee still: Thy griefe shall neuer haue an end, (20) whiles that my life maintaines my will.
FINIS. Bar. Yong.
¶ Her present answere againe to him. +
M E thinks thou tak’st the worser way, (Enamoured Shepheard) and in vaine That thou wilt seeke thine owne decay, To loue her, that doth thee disdaine.
(5) For thine owne selfe, thy wofull hart Keepe still, else art thou much to blame: For she to whom thou gau’st each part Of it, disdaines to take the same.
Follow not her that makes a play, (10) And iest of all the griefe and paines: And seeke not (Shepheard) thy decay. To loue her that thy loue disdaines.
FINIS. Bar. Yong.