(5) Since I will liue, and neuer show, Then die not, for my loue I will not giue For I will neuer haue thee loue me so, As I doe meane to hate thee while I liue.
That since the Louer so doth proue, (10) His death, as thou do’st see: Be bold I will not kill with loue, Nor loue shall not kill me.
FINIS. Bar. Yong.
¶ His answere to the Nimphs Song. +Printed in Yong, Diana (1598), p. 473. An answer to Melisea her song, in scorn of her shepherd Narcissus *. Prefaced by ‘ Narcissus tooke no meane griefe to heare the cruell song of his deerest Loue… and forced by the constancie and fortitude of his enamoured hart, he answered her with two staues, which he adioyned to a certaine old song, that said thus’. Answered by ‘Her present answer again to him’ *. Author: Bartholomew Yong. Structure (May/Ringler): 20: 5×4 abab8, rhymes of stanza 1 repeated in ll. 9-12, 17-20.
I F to be lou’d it thee offend, I cannot choose but loue thee still: And so thy griefe shall haue no end, Whiles that my life maintaines my will.
(5) O let me yet with griefe complaine, since such a torment I endure: Or else fulfill thy great disdaine, to end my life with death most sure. For as no credite thou wilt lend, (10) and as my loue offends thee still: So shall thy sorrowes haue no end, whiles that my life maintaines my will.