If thou loue, my loue content thee, For all loue, all faith is meant thee. Trust me, while I thee denie, In my selfe the smart I trie. (95) Tirant, honour doth thus vse thee, Stellaes selfe might not refuse thee. Therefore (deere) this no more moue, Least, though I leaue not thy loue, Which too deepe in me is framed: (100) I should blush when thou art named. There-with-all, away she went, Leauing him to passion rent: With what she had done and spoken, That there-with my Song is broken.
FINIS. S. Phil. Sidney.
¶ Syrenus his Song to Dianaes Flocks. +
P Assed contents, Oh what meane ye? Forsake me now, and doe not wearie me. Wilt thou heare me O memorie? (5) My pleasant dayes, and nights againe, I haue appai’d with seauen-fold paine. Thou hast no more to aske me why, For when I went, they all did die As thou do’st see: (10) O leaue me then, and doe not wearie me. Greene field, and shadowed valley, where