¶ Cinthia the Nimph, her Song to faire Polydora. +Printed in Yong, Diana (1598), pp. 36-8. Sylvanus, Selvagia and Syrenus secretly listen to the songs of three nymphs, Doria, Polydora and Cynthia, the latter relates to the others the farewell she once overheard between Syrenus and Diana, as requested by Polydora ‘Faire Cynthia … so may thy destinies and fortune fauour thee, as thy beauty and good graces are no lesse delightfull vnto vs, then the hearing of so sweete a song shall be… if thou wilt deyne to pleasure vs with the recitall of it. Cynthia then taking her harpe, began to sing as followeth’. Author: Bartholomew Yong. Structure (May/Ringler): 72: 12×6, sx8
N Eere to the Riuer bankes, with greene And pleasant trees on euery side, Where freest minds would most haue beene, That neuer felt braue Cupids pride, (5) To passe the day and tedious howers: Amongst those painted meades and flowers.
A certaine Shepheard full of woe, Syrenus call’d, his flocks did feede: Not sorrowfull in outward show, (10) But troubled with such griefe indeed, As cruell Loue is wont t’impart Vnto a painefull louing hart.
This Shepheard euery day did die, For loue he to Diana bare: (15) A Shepheardesse so fine perdiepar dieu, by God, without doubt , So liuely, young, and passingsurpassing, outstanding faire, Excelling more in beauties feature: Then any other humane creature.