Taurisius. Be bold so foule I am no way (30) As thou do’st thinke, faire Shepheardesse:
Diana. With this content thee, that I say, That I beleeue the same no lesse.
Taurisius. What, after giuing me such store Of passions, do’st thou mock me too?
Diana. (35) If answeres thou wilt any more, Goe seeke them without more adoo.
FINIS. Bar. Yong.
¶ Another Song before her Maiestie at Oxford, sung by a
comely Shep- heard, attended on by sundrie other
Shepheards and Nimphs. +
H Earbs, words, and stones, all maladies haue cured, Hearbs, words, and stones, I vsed when loued: Hearbs smells, words winde, stones hardnes haue procured, By stones, nor words, nor hearbs her mind was moued. (5) I ask’d the cause: this was a womans reason, Mongst hearbs are weedes, and thereby are refused: Deceite as well as trueth speakes words in season, False stones by foiles haue many one abused. +I sigh’d, and then she said, my fancie smoaked, +(10) I gaz’d, she said, my lookes were follies glancing: I sounded dead, she said, my loue was choaked, I started vp, she said, my thoughts were dauncing. Oh sacred Loue, if thou haue any Godhead: Teach other rules to winne a maydenhead.
FINIS. Anonimus.